Experience an all-over body workout that combines power, strength, coordination, mobility, skills and cardio in our group training classes.
Group Timetable
Specifically designed CrossFit and specialty classes to enhance your strength, fitness, mobility and health adaptable to all fitness levels.
Become the healthiest and functionable version of you
Scaleable to all fitness levels and injuries
A holistic approach to fitness using various gymnastics, cardio and weightlifting movements
Lift Club
Improve your Olympic Lifting
Massive focus on technique and safety
Great for improving strength and power
Classes capped at 12 Kids
7 to 14 Years Old
*15 + Can join adult classes with parents/Children Under 10’s - Parent Must Remain in GymImprove their fitness, strength, speed, power and stamina for their chosen sports.
Teach our kids lifelong, healthy movement patterns and habits whilst developing tenacity towards training.
Ready to join a class?
Simply contact our team today to register your spot in a session